Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

Butterflies of the world / V. Sbordoni, S. Forestiero. - Buffalo, NY, 1998. Sygn. K.35891

Amfibii Ûgo-Vostočnoj Azii / N. L. Orlov, N. B. Anan'eva. - Sankt-Peterburg, 2007. Sygn. K.35892

Hornmilben (Oribatida) : Acari, Actinochaetida / G. Weigmann. – Keltern, 2006. Sygn. K.1156/


Dinosaur tracks and other fossil footprints of Europe / M. Lockley, C. Meyer. - New York, 2000. Sygn.


Otters : ecology, behaviour and conservation / H. Kruuk. - Oxford ; New York, 2006. Sygn. K.37962

Introduction to invertebrate conservation biology / T. R. New. - Oxford ; New York, 2004. Sygn.


Bioassays of entomopathogenic microbes and nematodes / ed. A. Navon, K. R. S. Ascher. -

Wallingford ; New York, 2000. Sygn. K.37964

Recent advances in arthropod endocrinology / ed. by Geoffrey M. Coast, Simon G. Webster. –

Cambridge, 1998. Sygn. K.37965

Izbrannye trudy. T. 1, Morfologiâ, sistematika, faunistika, èvolûciâ mlekopitaûŝih / V. E. Sokolov. -

Moskva, 2002. Sygn. K.37966

Izbrannye trudy. T. 2, Povedenie, èkologiâ, ohrana mlekopitaûŝih / V. E. Sokolov. – Moskva, 2003.

Sygn. K.37967

Europos Sąjungos reikšmės paukščiams svarbios teritorijos Lietuvoje / L. Raudonikis. – Kaunas, 2004.

Sygn. K.37968

Dyhanie počvennyh bespozvonočnyh / Û. B. Byzova. – Moskva, 2007. Sygn. K.37969

Životnoe naselenie počv boreal'nyh lesov Zapadno-Sibirskoj ravniny / B. R. Striganova, N. M.

Porâdina. – Moskva, 2005. Sygn. K.37970

Počvennye processy i prostranstvenno-vremennaâ organizaciâ počv / otv. red. V. N. Kudeârov. –

Moskva, 2006. Sygn. K.37971

Pticy Belorussii : spravočnik-opredelitel' gnezd i âic / M. E. Nikiforov, B. V. Âminskij, L. P. Šklârov. –

Minsk, 1989. Sygn. K.37972

De nematoden van Nederland : een identificatietabel voor de in Nederland aangetroffen zoetwater /

Tom Bongers. – Utrecht, 1994. Sygn. K.37973

The Lepidoptera : form, function and diversity / M. J. Scoble. – Oxford, 2002. Sygn. K.37974

Křísi - Homoptera / Jiří Dlabola. – Praha, 1954. Sygn. K.10970/inw.K.37975

Extremophiles : microbial life in extreme environments / ed. by K. Horikoshi, W. D. Grant. - New York,

1998. Sygn. K.37976

Landscape ecological applications in man-influenced areas : linking man and nature systems / ed. by

Sun-Kee Hong [et al.]. - Dordrecht , 2007. Sygn. K.37977

Evolution, time and space : the emergence of the biosphere / ed. by R. W. Sims, J. H. Price, P. E. S.

Whalley. – London, 1983. Sygn. K.37978

The physiology and biochemistry of free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes / ed. by R. N. Perry and

D. J. Wright. – Wallingford, 1998. Sygn. K.37979

Ecology : individuals, populations and communities / M. Begon, J. L. Harper, C. R. Townsend. –

Oxford, 1996. Sygn. K.37980

DNA fingerprinting : approaches and applications / ed. T. Burke.–Basel, 1991. Sygn. K.37981

Ecosystem management : applications for sustainable forest and wildlife resources / ed. by M. S.

Boyce, A. Haney. - New Haven, 1997. Sygn. K.37982

Myotis myotis, Myotis blythii : ecology of the sibling mouse-eared bats : zoogeography, niche,

competition, and foraging / R. Arlettaz.- Martigny, 1995. Sygn. K.37983

The biology of biodiversity / M. Kato (ed.). – Tokyo, 2000. Sygn. K.37984

Fauna Polski : charakterystyka i wykaz gatunków. Tom 4. Strunowce (Chordata), kręgowce

(Vertebrata): kręgowce (…) / pod red. W. Bogdanowicz [et al.]. Warszawa, 2014. Sygn. K.34273/



