Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

The waterfowl of the world. Vol. 2, The Dabbling Ducks / by Jean Delacour. – London, 1956.

Fleas : proceedings of the International Conference on Fleas, Ashton Wold, Peterborough, UK, 21-25 June 1977 / ed. by R. Traub & H. Starcke. – Rotterdam, 1980.

Immigrant killers : introduced predators and the conservation of birds in New Zealand / C. King. – Auckland, 1984.

The jungle crows of Tokyo : observations mainly of a particular breeding pair / Nagahisa Kuroda. – Abiko, Chiba, 1990.

Comparative ecology of the house sparrow Passer domesticus in rural, suburban and urban situations / door C. Johannes Heij. –  Alblasserdam, 1985.

The dippers / Stephanie J. Tyler and Stephen J. Ormerod. – London, 1994.

Distribution patterns and habitat use by bats in relation to landscape heterogeneity, and consequences for conservation /J.de Jong.– Uppsala, 1994.

A manual of the dragonflies of North America (Anisoptera) / J. G. Needham, M. J. Westfall, Jr. – Berkeley, 1955.

Kalan : morskaâ vydra / I. I. Barabaš-Nikiforov, S. V. Marakov, A. M. Nikolaev. –Leningrad, 1968.    

Der Turmfalke : Überlebensstrategien eines Greifvogels / Renate Kostrzewa, Achim Kostrzewa. – Wiesbaden, 1993.

Identification key of O. jamaicensis, O. leucocephala and their hybrids / Carlos Urdiales, Pablo Pereira. – Madrid, 1993.

Brutvögel im Kanton Zürich / Martin Weggler. – Zürich, 1991.

The waterfowl of the world. Vol. 2, The Dabbling Ducks / by Jean Delacour. – London, 1956.

Fleas : proceedings of the International Conference on Fleas, Ashton Wold, Peterborough, UK, 21-25 June 1977 / ed. by R. Traub & H. Starcke. – Rotterdam, 1980.

Immigrant killers : introduced predators and the conservation of birds in New Zealand / C. King. – Auckland, 1984.

The jungle crows of Tokyo : observations mainly of a particular breeding pair / Nagahisa Kuroda. – Abiko, Chiba, 1990.

Comparative ecology of the house sparrow Passer domesticus in rural, suburban and urban situations / door C. Johannes Heij. –  Alblasserdam, 1985.

The dippers / Stephanie J. Tyler and Stephen J. Ormerod. – London, 1994.

Distribution patterns and habitat use by bats in relation to landscape heterogeneity, and consequences for conservation /J.de Jong.– Uppsala, 1994.

A manual of the dragonflies of North America (Anisoptera) / J. G. Needham, M. J. Westfall, Jr. – Berkeley, 1955.

Kalan : morskaâ vydra / I. I. Barabaš-Nikiforov, S. V. Marakov, A. M. Nikolaev. –Leningrad, 1968.

Der Turmfalke : Überlebensstrategien eines Greifvogels / Renate Kostrzewa, Achim Kostrzewa. – Wiesbaden, 1993.

Identification key of O. jamaicensis, O. leucocephala and their hybrids / Carlos Urdiales, Pablo Pereira. – Madrid, 1993.

Brutvögel im Kanton Zürich / Martin Weggler. – Zürich, 1991.


