Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

§ 1

The scientific collections of the Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences (MIZ) consist of specimens of extant and extinct animals, as well as their parts and products.

§ 2

The organizational unit of MIZ appointed to take care and keep a record of the collections, as well as to maintain and render them accessible, is the Division of Collections of the Zoological Museum.

§ 3

Collections stored in the repositories of the MIZ Research Station in Palmiry are accessible at weekdays during working hours.
The repositories may be opened only by the Head of the Division of Collections or authorized personnel of the Division of Collections.

§ 4

Specimens and their storage conditions, as well as the documentation affixed to the specimens, must not be altered without prior permission of the Head of the Division of Collections.

§ 5

The MIZ must receive credit in exhibit labels, catalogues and publications based on the use of specimens from its collections.
The acronym 'MIZ' should be used to cite the MIZ specimens.
Authors should deliver to the Zoological Museum a reprint of each publication based in whole or in part on MIZ specimens.


§ 6

Loans of specimens from the MIZ collections require prior approval of the Head of the Zoological Museum.

§ 7

Specimens may be loaned for research to:
1. Biologists holding a doctor degree and employed by a scientific institution.
2. Other individuals able to submit a written certificate of endorsement from a biologist holding a doctor degree and employed by a scientific institution.

§ 8

Specimens may be loaned for non-research purposes on terms specified in a written contract signed by the MIZ Director and the borrower.

§ 9

Loans will be granted on the basis of a written loan agreement, which specifies the number, condition and loan terms of the specimens.
Loans will be granted for no more than one year. Any extension request must be made in writing by the borrower at which time the Head of the Zoological Museum will consider and respond in writing granting approval or asking for the return of the material.
Loans will not be granted to individuals or institutions that did not return previously borrowed specimens on time (until the specimens are returned).


§ 10

Donations of specimens from the MIZ collections will be granted by the MIZ Director after approval of the Head of the Zoological Museum.

§ 11

Individuals not employed by MIZ, who identified to species a taxonomically undetermined collection of invertebrates, may be granted a donation of up to 10% of the identified specimens of each of the identified species for the scientific institution of their choice, excluding holotypes.
Requests for donations should be made in writing to the Head of the Zoological Museum, including a list of the specimens suggested for the donation. All the identified specimens must first be returned to MIZ.


§ 12

In case of loss or damage of a part of the MIZ collections, the MIZ Director will appoint a Committee composed of the Head of the Zoological Museum, the Head of the Division of Collections and three other MIZ employees who do not work for the Division of Collections.
The MIZ Director may allow to exclude the lost or damaged specimens from the MIZ collections if such motion is presented by the Committee.



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