Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

Les reptiles des Pyrénées / Gilles Pottier. – Paris, 2016. Sygn. K.35946

Bieszczadzki Park Narodowy - 40 lat ochrony / pod red. A. Góreckiego i B. Zemanka . – Ustrzyki Górne, 2016. (+ 11 map + CD). Sygn. K.35947

Tandem repeat polymorphisms : genetic plasticity, neural diversity and disease / ed. A. J. Hannan. - New York, 2012. Sygn. K.38259

The developing genome : an introduction to behavioral epigenetics / David S. Moore. - Oxford ; New York, 2015. Sygn. K.38260

Social evolution and inclusive fitness theory : an introduction / James A. R. Marshall. - Princeton ; Oxford, 2015. Sygn. K.38261

Molecular evolution and population genetics for marine biologists / Yuri Ph. Kartavtsev ; ed. M. S. Johnson. - Boca Raton, 2016. Sygn. K.38262

Lateral gene transfer in evolution / Uri Gophna ed. - New York, 2013. Sygn. K.38263

Beiträge zur Paläontologie des Unterdevons Luxemburgs (4) / C. Franke (Hrsg.). – Luxembourg, 2016. Sygn. K.38264

Stadtnatur im Wandel - Artenvielfalt in Frankfurt am Main / Indra Starke-Ottich [et al.]. – Stuttgart, 2015. Sygn. K.38265

Marine benthic dinoflagellates-unveiling their worldwide biodiversity / M. Hoppenrath [et al.]. – Stuttgart, 2014. Sygn. K.38266

Milestones in systematics / ed. by D. M. Williams, P. L. Forey. - Boca Raton, 2004. Sygn. K.38267

Dental functional morphology : how teeth work / Peter W. Lucas. – Cambridge, 2006. Sygn. K.38268

The mammals of Luzon Island : biogeography and natural history of a Philippine fauna / Lawrence R. Heaney, Danilo S. Balete, and Eric A. Rickart. – Baltimore, 2016. Sygn. K.38269

An annotated catalog of the carpenter bees (genus Xylocopa Latreille) of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) / P. D. Hurd, Jr. – Washington, D.C., 1978. Sygn. K.38270

Zwierzęta laboratoryjne : choroby i użytkowanie / M. Katkiewicz. – Warszawa, 1989. Sygn. K.38271

Etyka i nauki biologiczne / W. Tulibacki. – Olsztyn, 1994. Sygn. K.38272

Polityka i przyroda : rzecz o Jean Emmanuelu Gilibercie / P. Daszkiewicz. – Warszawa, 1995. Sygn. K.38273

Identification guide to birds in the hand : the 301 species most frequently caught in Western Europe : identification, measurements, geographical variation, moult, sex and age / L. Demongin. Sygn. K.38274


