Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

updated: 30.04.2014
e-mail: zmihorski@miiz.waw.pl


Zainteresowania (scientific interests):

  • Znaczenie naturalnych i antropogenicznych zaburzeń dla różnorodności biologicznej ekosystemów leśnych (disturbances in forests ecosystems: their importance for biodiversity)
  • Statystyka w biologii (statistics in biology)
michał żmihorski

Wykształcenie (short CV):

  • 2000-2006 - Międzywydziałowe Indywidualne Studia Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze (link), Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • 07.2006 - magister biologii (Msc in biology)
  • 2006-2010 - Międzynarodowe Studium Doktoranckie Nauk Biologicznych PAN (link)
  • 06.2010 - doktor nauk biologicznych (PhD in biology)

Projekty (main projects):

5. Konsekwencje antropogenicznych zaburzeń ekosystemu leśnego dla użytkowania przestrzeni przez rude mrówki leśne i ich interakcje z wybranymi bezkręgowcami (The effect of anthropogoenic disturbances of forests for red wood ants and their interations with some invertebrates), grant MNiSW, kierownik projektu, okres realizacji 2012-2013.

4.Przemieszczenia nieleśnych gatunków ptaków między lukami w drzewostanie (Movement of open landscape dwelling birds between clear-cuts), grant MNiSW, kierownik projektu, okres realziacji: 2010-2011.

3. Norniki o znanych rodowodach - komponent genetyczny i inne źródła zmienności fenotypowej oceniane przy użyciu "animal model", grant MNiSW, wykonawca projektu, okres realizacji: 2010-2012.

2. Genetyczne, behawioralne i morfologiczne konsekwencje kolonizacji luk w drzewostanie przez gatunek terenów otwartych - świerszcza polnego (The effect of canopy gaps colonisation by the field crickets on its genetics, behaviour and morphology), grant MNiSW, kierownik projektu, okres realizacji: 2009-2012

1. Znaczenie zrębów dla kształtowania awifauny lasów gospodarczych, grant MNiSW, kierownik projektu, okres realizacji: 2007-2008


 "I'm sorry to have to inform you..." => Journals which rejected my manuscripts Wink
(1) Acta Ornithol, (2) Ornis Fenn, (3) Biol Conserv, (4) Conserv Biol, (5) Russian J Ecol, (6) Scand J For Res, (7) For Ecol Manage, (8) Belgian J Zool, (9) Ann Zool Fenn, (10) Mammalia, (11) Ecography, (12) Oikos, (13) Auk, (14) J Field Ornithol, (15) Plant Ecol, (16) Biodiv Conserv, (17) Landscape Urban Planning, (18) Ardea, (19) Biologia, (20) Ibis, (21) Agric Ecosyst Environ, (22) Ann For Sci, (23) Entomol Fenn, (24) Forestry, (25) Can J For Res, (26) Folia Zool, (27) Ecol Entomol, (28) Anim Society, (29) Naturwissenschaften, (30) Behav Ecol Sociobiol, (31) Eur J Wild Res, (32) Diversity Distrib, (33) J Ornithol, (34) J Anim Ecol, (35) Bird Study, (36) Oecologia, (37) Journal of Ethology, (38) Mol Ecol Resources, (39) Conservation Genetics Resources, (40) Eur J Entomol, (41) PlosONE, (42) Central European Journal of Biology, (43) Landscape Ecology, (44) J Zool...


79. Kajtoch Ł., Żmihorski M., Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch A. 2014. The Goosander as potential indicator of naturalness and biodiversity in submontane river valleys of northern Carpathians. Ecol. Ind. 45:83-92.
78. Dąbrowski M.J., Pilot M., Kruczyk M., Żmihorski M., Umer M.H., Gliwicz J.  2014.Reliability assessment of null allele detection: inconsistencies between and within different methods. Mol. Ecol. Res. 14:361-373.
77. Piksa K., Nowak J., Żmihorski M., Bogdanowicz W. 2013. Nonlinear distribution pattern of hibernating bats in caves along an elevational gradient in mountain (Carpathians, southern Poland). PLoS ONE 8(7):e86066.
76. Buś M.M., Żmihorski M., Romanowski J., Balciauskiene L., Cichocki J., Balciauskas L. 2013. High efficiency protocol of DNA extraction from
Micromys minutus mandibles from owl pellets: a tool for molecular
research of cryptic mammal species. Acta Theriol. 59:99-109.
75. Romanowski J., Altenburg D., Żmihorski M. 2013. Earthworms: the hidden component in the diet of little owl, Athene noctua in agricultural landscape of Central Poland. North-West. J. Zool. 9:310-318.
74. Żmihorski M., Romanowski J. Borowiecki M. 2012. Drobne ssaki w pokarmie trzech gatunków sów w dolinie Dolnej Odry. Przegl. Przyr. 23(2):77-85.
73. Krauze-Gryz D., Gryz J., Goszczyński J., Chylarecki P., Żmihorski M. 2013. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: space use and intraguild interactions among three opportunistic predators – cat Felis catus, dog Canis familiaris and fox Vulpes vulpes – under human pressure. Can. J. Zool. 90:1402-1413.
72. Romanowski J., Brzeziński M., Żmihorski M. 2013. Habitat correlates of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra recolonizing Central Poland. Acta Theriol. 58:149-155.
71. Żmihorski M., Dziarska-Pałac J., Sparks T.H., Tryjanowski P. 2013. Ecological correlates of the popularity of birds and butterflies in Internet information resources. Oikos 122:183-190.
70. Żmihorski M., Romanowski J., Chylarecki P. 2013. Environmental factors affecting the densities of owls in Polish farmland during 1980-2005. Biologia 67:1204-1210.
69. Żmihorski M., Sienkiewicz P., Tryjanowski P. 2013. Never ending story - a lesson in using sampling efficiency methods with ground beetles. J. Insect Conserv. 17:333-337.
68. Brzeziński M., Jedlikowski J., Żmihorski M. 2012. The effect of nest site on the nesting success of the Coot Fulica atra. Ornis Fennica 90:57-64.
67. Sienkiewicz P., Żmihorski M. 2012. The effect of disturbance by river flooding on the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Eur. J. Entomol. 109: 535-541.
66. Kajtoch Ł., Żmihorski M., Bonczar Z. 2012. Hazel Grouse occurrence in fragmented forests: habitat quantity and configuration more important than quality. Eur. J. Forest Res. 131: 1783-1795.
65. Żmihorski M., Sparks T.H., Tryjanowski P. 2012. The weekend bias in recording rare birds: mechanisms and consequencess. Acta Ornithol 47: 87-94.
64. Brzeziński M., Eliava G., Żmihorski M. 2012. Road mortality of pond-breeding amphibians during spring migrations in the Mazurian Lakeland, NE Poland. Eur. J. Wild. Res. 58: 685-693.
63. Brzeziński M., Natorff M., Zalewski A., Żmihorski M. 2012. Numerical and behavioural responses of waterfowl to the invasive American mink:  a conservation paradox. Biol. Conserv. 147: 68-78.
62. Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M., Czechowski W. 2012. Species diversity and nestedness of ant assemblages in an urban environment. Eur. J. Entomol 109: 197-206.
61. Ławicki Ł., Wylegała P., Batycki A., Kajzer Z., Guentzel S., Jasiński M., Kruszyk R., Rubacha S., Żmihorski M. 2011. Long-term decline of the grassland waders in Western Poland. Vogelwelt 132: 101-108.
60. Żmihorski M., Gryz J., Krauze-Gryz D., Olczyk A., Osojca G. 2011. The tawny owl Strix aluco as a material collector in faunistic investigations: the case study of small mammals in NE Poland. Acta Zool. Lituan. 21: 185-191.
59. Żmihorski M. 2012. The effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on breeding birds in managed forests. Ornis Fennica 89: 63-73.
58. Tryjanowski P.,  Hartel T., Baldi A., Szymanski P., Tobolka M., Herzon I., Golawski A., Konvicka M., Hromada M., Jerzak L., Kujawa K., Lenda M., Orlowski G., Panek M., Skórka P., Sparks T.H., Wuczyński A., Żmihorski M. 2011. Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe. Acta Ornithol. 46: 1-12.
57. Żmihorski M. 2011. Stwierdzenia wilka Canis lupus w Lasach Mieszkowickich (Zach. Polska) w latach 2002-2011. Przegl. Przyr. 22(2): 100-102.

Banaszak-Cibicka W., Żmihorski M. 2012. Wild bees along an urban gradient: winners and losers. J. Insect Conserv. 16: 331-343.
55. Ławicki Ł., Panagiotopoulou H., Żmihorski M. 2011. Występowanie gniewosza plamistego Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1758) w Dolinie Dolnej Odry. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 67: 466-473.

Żmihorski M. 2011. Does the decline of red wood ants after clear-cutting favour epigeic arthropods? Eur. J. Entomol. 108: 425-430.

Żmihorski M. 2011. Forest inventory data reveal stand history from 115 years ago. Ann. Bot. Fennici 48: 120-128.

Żmihorski M., Durska E. 2011.The effect of contrasting management types on two distinct taxonomic groups in a large scaled windthrow. Eur. J. Forest Res. 130: 589-600.

Mazgajski T.D., Żmihorski M., Abramowicz K. 2010. Forest habitat loss and fragmentation in central Poland during the last 100 years. Silva Fennica 44: 715-723.

Biaduń W., Żmihorski M. 2011. Factors shaping a breeding bird community along an urbanization gradient: 26-year study in medium size city (Lublin, Poland). Pol. J. Ecol. 59: 381-389.
49. Ławicki Ł., Guentzel S., Jasiński M., Kajzer Z., Czeraszkiewicz R., Oleksiak A., Żmihorski M., Marchowski D. 2010. Dolina Dolnej Odry (Lower Odra River Valley)(T. Wilk, M. Jujka, J. Krogulec, P. Chylarecki, red.): 91–94. Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków, Marki.  

Hoste-Danyłow A., Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2010. The effect of management type on epigeic invertebrates and foraging birds in extensively used grasslands of central Poland. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 139: 129-133.

Żmihorski M. 2010. The effect of windthrow and its management on breeding bird communities in a managed forest. Biodiv. Conserv. 19:1871-1882.

Żmihorski M., Halba R., Mazgajski T.D. 2010. Long-term spatio-temporal dynamics of corvids wintering in urban parks of Warsaw, Poland. Ornis Fennica 87: 61-68.

Brzeziński M., Marzec M., Żmihorski M. 2010. Spatial distribution, activity, habitat selection of American mink (Neovison vison) and polecats (Mustela putorius) inhabiting the vicinity of eutrophic lakes in NE Poland. Folia Zool. 59: 183-191.

Brzeziński M., Żmihorski M., Barkowska M. 2010. Spatio-temporal variation in predation on artificial ground nests: a 12 year experiment. Ann. Zool. Fennici 47: 173-183.

Żmihorski M., Chylarecki P., Rejt Ł., Mazgajski T.D. 2010. The effects of forest patch size and ownership structure on tree stand characteritics in a highly deforested landscape of central Poland. Eur. J. Forest Res. 129: 393-400.   link
42. Ławicki Ł., Guentzel S., Jasiński M., Kajzer Z., Żmihorski M. 2009. Awifauna lęgowa Doliny Dolnej Odry. Not. Orn. 50: 268-281.

Żmihorski M. 2010. Distribution of red wood ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the clear-cut areas of a managed forest in Western Poland. J. Forest Res. 15: 145-148.

Kubacka J., Żmihorski M., MirskiP., Rejt Ł. 2010. Central-place foraging in an urban landscape: body mass of Common voles (Microtus arvalis Pall.) caught by breeding Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus L.) is positively correlated with availability of hunting sites. Pol. J. Ecol. 58: 387-392.  

Żmihorski M., Lewtak J., Brzeziński M., Romanowski J. 2010. Nest survival in a large river valley: an experiment using artificial nests on an island and river bank in Vistula river (Poland). Pol. J. Ecol. 58: 197-203.

Brzeziński M., Romanowski J., Żmihorski M., Karpowicz K. 2010. Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) decline after the expansion of American mink (Neovison vison) in Poland. Eur. J. Wild. Res. 56: 341-348.
37. Brzeziński M., Żmihorski M. 2009. Nestling diet and parental provisioning behaviour in the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus). Acta Zool Lituanica 19: 93-98.

Żmihorski M., Romanowski J., Osojca G. 2009. Habitat preferences of a declining population of the little owl, Athene noctua in Central Poland. Folia Zool. 58: 207-215.

Włodarczyk T., Żmihorski M., Olczyk A. 2009. Ants inhabiting stumps on clearcuts in managed forest in western Poland. Entomol. Fennica 20: 121-128.

Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2009. Seasonal and habitat variation in the diet of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in Central Poland during unusually warm years. Biologia (Bratislava) 64: 365-369.

Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2008. Effect of season, weather and habitat on diet variation of a feeding specialist: a case study of the long-eared owl, Asio otus in Central Poland. Folia Zool. 57: 411-419.

Żmihorski M., Balciauskiene L., Romanowski J. 2008. Small mammals in the diet of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco L.) in Central European Lowland. Pol. J. Ecol. 56: 693-700.
31. Żmihorski M. 2008. Breading birds community of the windthrow in the Piska Forest (NE Poland). Not. Orn. 49: 39-45.(in Polish, English summary)
30. Żmihorski M. 2008. Can clearcuts increase bird species richness in managed forest? J. Forest Sci. 54: 189-193.

Mazgajski T.D., Żmihorski M., Halba R., Woźniak A. 2008. Long-term population trends of Corvids wintering in urban parks in Central Poland. Pol. J. Ecol. 56: 521-526.

Barańska K., Żmihorski M. 2008. Occurrence of rare and protected plant species related to species richness in calcareous xerothermic grassland. Pol. J. Ecol. 56: 343-350.

Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2008. Selecion of foraging habitat by grassland birds: efect of prey abundance or availability? Pol. J. Ecol. 56: 365-370. 
26. Żmihorski M. 2008. Czego nie zalesiać? Zagrożone gatunki zwierząt. W: Jermaczek A. (red.) Zalesiać czy nie zalesiać? Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodników, Świebodzin., str: 65-85. (in Polish)  
25. Kucharski D., Żmihorski M. 2008. Blaps lethifera Marsham, 1802 in the Cedynia Landscape Park (Western Poland). Wiad. entomol. 27: 57-58. (in Polish, English summary)
24. Barańska K., Żmihorski M. 2007. Termophilous flora in the landscape of increasing forest coverage:the case of calcareous xeric grasslands in the Lower Odra Valley in the last 40 years. Przegl. Przyr. 18 (1-2): 219-226.(in Polish, Eglish summary)  

Żmihorski M., Rejt Ł. 2007. Weather-dependent variation in the cold-season diet of urban Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Acta Ornithol. 42: 107-113. 
22. Żmihorski M. 2007. Record of the raccoon Procyon lotor in the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Przegl. Przyr. 18 (3-4): 149-150.(in Polish, English summary)  
21. Barańska K., Żmihorski M. 2007. Rare plant sites in the xeric calcareous grasslands of the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Bad. Fizjograf. Pol. Zach., ser. B. 56: 163-172.(in Polish, English summary)  
20. Kucharski D., Osojca G., Żmihorski M. 2007. Records of Ceruchus chrysomelinus Hochenwarth, 1785 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park (NE Poland). Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 26 (1): 107-109. (in Polish, English summary)
19. Żmihorski M., Barańska K. 2006. Rare bird species in the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Przegl. Przyr. 17 (1-2): 67-70.(in Polish, English summary)  

Żmihorski M., Altenburg D., Romanowski J., Kowalski M., Osojca G. 2006. Long term decline of the Little Owl in Central Poland. Pol. J. Ecol. 54: 321-324.
17. Żmihorski M., Osojca G. 2006. Diet of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in the Romincka Forest (North East Poland). Acta Zool. Lituanica 16: 54-60.
16. Żmihorski M., Rejt Ł. 2006. Variation in the diet of the urban Kestrel Falco tinnunculus outside breeding season: differences between territories.Not. Orn. 47: 89-95.(in Polish, English summary)
15. Żmihorski M., Barańska K. 2006. Rare beetles (Insecta:Coleoptera) of the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland).Parki nar. Rez. Przyr. 25 (1): 19-24. (in Polish, English summary)  
14. Kucharski D., Żmihorski M. 2006. The Hermit Beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia mould in Cedynski Landscape Park. Przegl. Zool. 50: 151-154. (in Polish, English summary)  
13. Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2006. The Little Owl Athene noctua diet in Central Poland. Not. Orn. 47: 203-206. (in Polish, English summary)
12. Altenburg D., Romanowski J., Żmihorski M. 2006. Record of the Hermit Beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) in the Little Owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) diet in central Poland. Przegl. Zool. 50: 155-156. (in Polish, English summary)  
11. Żmihorski M., Osojca G. 2005. The first record of Common pine vole Microtus subterraneus (de Selys-Longchamps, 1836) in NE Poland. Przegl. Zool. 49: 51-52.(in Polish, English summary)  
10. Żmihorski M., Krupiński D., Osojca G., Jarzombkowski F. 2005. Owls of the Kampinoski National Park (Central Poland). Kulon 10: 43-46.(in Polish, English summary)  link
 9. Żmihorski M. 2005. The Long-eared Owl Asio otus diet in agriculture and forest landscape. Not.Orn. 46: 127-130. (in Polish, English summary)
 8. Żmihorski M. 2005. Pójdźka Athene noctua. W: Mikusek R. (red.) Metody Badań i Ochrony Sów. WFIE, Kraków, str: 105-113. (in Polish)  
 7. Barańska K., Żmihorski M. 2005. Stipa capillata in the Cedynski Landscape Park (Western Poland). Chrońmy Przyr. Ojczystą 61 (6): 81-86.(in Polish, English summary)  
 6. Mazgajski T.D., Woźniak A., Żmihorski M. 2005. Changes in the number of Corvids wintering in Warsaw over years 1974-2004. In: Jerzak L.,  Kavanagh B.P., Tryjanowski P. (eds.) Corvids of Poland. Bogucki, Poznań.
 5. Żmihorski M. 2004. Number of the Little Owl Athene noctua in Warsaw suburban zone (Central Poland). Kulon 9: 203-205.(in Polish, English summary)  link
 4. Żmihorski M. 2004. New locality of smooth snake Coronella austriaca in Cedynski Landscape Park (North-West Poland). Przegl. Przyr. 15 (1-4): 202-203.(in Polish, English summary)  
 3. Żmihorski M. 2004. Locality of Ladybird spider Eresus cinnabericus in Piska Forest (NE Poland). Kulon 9: 233-234.(in Polish, English summary)  link
 2. Osojca G., Żmihorski M. 2004. New locality of Common Dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius L. in the Romincka Forest (NE Poland). Kulon 9: 129-130.(in Polish, English summary)  link
 1. Garbalińska P., Kucharski D., Żmihorski M. 2004. Stanowisko pachnicy dębowej Osmoderma eremita Scopoli, 1763 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) w Cedyńskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Przegl. Przyr. 14 (1-2): 175-177.(in Polish, English summary)