Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

Sylwia Czarnomska

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W swoich badaniach wykorzystuję narzędzia bioinformatyczne oraz dane pochodzące z sekwencjowania nowej generacji w celu lepszego zrozumienia procesu lokalnej adaptacji. Moje dotychczasowe projekty koncentrowały się w większości na ocenie wpływu czynników środowiskowych (temperatury, fragmentacji siedlisk, urbanizacji) na kształtowanie neutralnej zmienności genetycznej populacji oraz identyfikację loci poddanych działaniu doboru i zaangażowanych w proces lokalnej adaptacji u gatunków o bardzo zróżnicowanej demografii i ekologii (wilk, myszarka leśna, sikora bogatka).

Od lutego 2020 jestem postdokiem w Grupie Genomiki Ewolucyjnej. Wcześniej odbyłam dwa staże podoktorskie: w Laboratorium Ewolucji i Ekologii w Mieście (Uniwersytet Warszawski) oraz w Pracowni Biologii RNA i Genomiki Funkcjonalnej  (Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN). Tytuł doktora nauk biologicznych uzyskałam na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim w 2016 roku a pracę doktorską zrealizowałam w Instytucie Biologii Ssaków PAN w Białowieży.

Więcej szczegółów o moim doświadczeniu można znaleźć na profilu LinkedIn.

Lista publikacji jest dostępna na profilu Google Scholar oraz ResearchGate

Andre Moura

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Grupa Genomiki Ewolucyjnej

Moje badania koncentrują się na ekologii i ewolucji dzikich zwierząt i wykorzystują różne podejścia metodologiczne. Większość moich prac dotyczy badan waleni (wielorybów i delfinów), przy użyciu  metod genetycznych. Uczestniczę także w badaniach dotyczących rozmieszczenia zwierząt i modelowaniu nisz ekologicznych oraz, w coraz większym stopniu, w analizach morfologicznych. Szczególnie interesuje mnie interakcja między genetyką, anatomią/fizjologią i ekologią oraz sposób, w jaki determinuje ona wybór siedlisk i przetrwanie ewolucyjne. Moje główne podejście polega na powiązaniu zmienności genetycznej/morfologicznej z czynnikami ekologicznymi, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem genów funkcjonalnych i sygnałów doboru naturalnego. Mój główny projekt badawczy koncentruje się obecnie na scharakteryzowaniu składu genetycznego genów układu odpornościowego u delfinów pręgobokich, które w ciągu 30 lat doświadczały powtarzających się epidemii Morbillivirusa. Rozwijam ten projekt od kilku lat, czego rezultatem są 3 prace podyplomowe, aktualny projekt finansowany przez NCN dotyczący immunogenomiki i kilka projektów we współpracy międzynarodowej. Interesuję się również ochroną przyrody i kontynuuję prace nad projektami badawczymi związanymi z tym tematem.


Belonging to Ecdysozoa (molting animals), nematodes are thought to have arisen during so called ‘Cambrian explosion’. This suggests that they not only must have survived most of the mass extinction events, but also that the 500 million years of evolution allowed them to successfully inhabit various terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats on all continents. Being so ubiquitous, nematodes have developed series of environmental adaptations and biological relations with other organisms, ranging from those as simple as bacteria to those as complicated as higher animals. Although the majority of nematode species are free-living (in soils and aquatic sediments, feeding on bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi or other nematodes and contributing to the nutrient cycle), so far mostly the parasitic ones draw scientists biggest attention. Nematode parasites of man and domestic animals are still serious health concern, especially in third-world countries. Whereas, group of plant parasitic nematodes being able to infect almost all domesticated plants, cause billions of dollar crop losses worldwide.


Scientific interests

I am a nematologist with a background in molecular biology and horticulture. Analyzes of nematode genomic sequences on the one hand help me to understand relations between particular nematode groups and their evolutionary history (especially the subject of the origins of plant parasitism) and on the other, allow to design systems for their detection. I am currently involved in studies on nematode representatives from families like Meloidogynidae, Hoplolaimidae, Anguinidae and Trichodoridae.


Research projects

2016 -

"Soil nematodes of Namibia - species characteristics and  optimization of  DNA isolation methods for formalin treated specimens" (Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS)

2012 – 2016

"Development of innovative methods for rapid identification of nematodes that cause damage to the economy" (Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS)

2007 – 2013

"Phylogenetic relationships within major nematode clades based on multiple molecular markers” (PhD thesis, Wageningen University) 

2006 – 2007

“The development and the validation of family specific, DNA barcode-based detection of stress sensitive nematode families“ (Wageningen University)

2005 – 2006

“Ribosomal DNA-based detection of the root-knot nematode species Meloidogyne naasi and M. minor“(Wageningen University)

2004 – 2006

“Construction of transgenic tomatoes var. Micro-Tom with silencedcytochrome P450 gene“ (Project concerned a functional investigation of plant genes involved in responses to nematode infection; Warsaw University of Life Sciences)



During workshops organized by the Nematology Training Centre of the Institute , I explain how different molecular techniques can be applied in detection of economically important plant parasitic nematode species.



Feel free to get familiar with my published work and visit my Google Scholar or Research Gate profile.



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Monika Patrzyk

e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +48(22) 629 32 21, wew. 156

Research interests:

population genetics


Research projects:

  • 2016 – prezent

Conducting genetic research within the framework of  “Stabilization of the deer population in Bory Stobrawskie based on transplantation from the Kluczbork forest district `s  breeding “

  • 2013-2015

Study of morphological and metabolic changes accompanying the cell death induced by kinetin within the framework of “Characterisation of some metabolism components accompanying cell death induced by kinetin in 2-cm root apical fragments of Vicia faba ssp. minor seedlings




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  Main research interest: behavioural ecology of ants

  • Individualism in ants
  • Behavioural adaptations of subordinate species
  • Thermal risk in foraging
  • Ants in urban environment


   PhD - Rozprawa doktorska. Plasticity of competitive strategy of the ant Formica sanguinea - Plastyczność strategii konkurencyjnej mrówki Formica sanguinea [POL]

   PhD - Summary [ENG]



  • Ślipiński P. 2016. Temperature related foraging risk in temperate climate ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 2016: e161101 [ACCEPTED]
  • Witek M., Ślipiński P., Trigos Peral G., Csata E. 2016. Consequences of the arms race between Maculinea teleius social parasite and Myrmica host ants for myrmecophilous butterfly conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation 20: 887–893.
  • Panagiotopoulou H., Baca M., Baca K., Sienkiewicz P., Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M. 2016. Genetic identification of a non-native species introgression into wild population of the field cricket Gryllus campestris (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in Central Europe. European Journal of Entomology 113: 446-455.
  • Trigos Peral G., Markó B., Babik H., Tăuşan I., Maák I., Pálfi Z., Ślipiński P., Czekes Z., Czechowski W. 2016. Differential impact of two dominant Formica ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on subordinates in temperate Europe. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 50: 97-116.
  • Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M. 2016. Changes in the speed of ants as a result of aggressive interactions. Insect Science 00, 1–11, DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.1235
  • Żmihorski M., Ślipiński P. 2016. The importance of diurnal and nocturnal activity and interspecific interactions for space use by ants in clear-cuts. Ecological Entomology 41: 276–283.
  • Witek M., Ślipiński P., Naumiec K., Krupski A., Babik H., Walter B., Symonowicz B., Dubiec A. 2016. Performance of Myrmica ant colonies is correlated with the presence of social parasites. Ecological Entomology 41: 284–291.
  • Ślipiński P., Pomorski J. J., Kowalewska K. 2015. Heat shock proteins expression during thermal risk exposure in the xerothermic ant Formica cinerea. Sociobiology 62: 457-459.
  • Supplementary materials; Ślipiński P., Pomorski J. J., Kowalewska K. 2015. Heat shock proteins expression during thermal risk exposure in the xerothermic ant Formica cinerea. Sociobiology 62: 457-459.
  • Ślipiński P., Czechowski W., Markó B., Rzeszowski K., Babik H. 2014. Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) shapes local ant assemblages. North-Western Journal of Zoology 10: 404-412.
  • Maák I., Markó B., Erős K., Babik H., Ślipiński P., Czechowski W. 2014. Cues or meaningless objects? Differential responses of the ant Formica cinerea to corpses of competitors and enslavers. Animal Behaviour 91: 53-59.
  • Czechowski W., Markó B., Radchenko A., Ślipiński P. 2013. Long-term partitioning of space between two territorial species of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and their effect on subordinate species. European Journal of Entomology 110: 327-337.
  • Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M., Czechowski W. 2012. Species diversity and nestedness of ant assemblages in an urban environment. European Journal of Entomology 109: 197-206.
  • Ślipiński P., Markó B., Czechowski W., Włodarczyk T. 2011. Space use in Formica sanguinea - my territory my kingdom? Entomologica Romanica 16.
  • Draber-Mońko A., Malewski T, Pomorski J., Łoś M., Ślipiński P. 2009. On the morphology and mitochondrial DNA barcoding of the flesh fly Sarcophaga (Liopygia) argyrostoma (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) – an importand species in forensic entomology. Annales Zoologici 59: 465-493.



  • Czechowski W., Radchenko A., Ślipiński P. 2008. An unusual worker morph of Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4 (1): 42-49.


  • Czechowski W., Ślipiński P. 2008. No Lasius platythorax Seifert (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the urban greenery of Warsaw? Polish Journal of Ecology 56 (3): 541-544.


Other Publications

  1. Ślipiński P. 2015. Hunowie świata owadów. Wiedza i Życie 6: 60-63.
  2. Ślipiński P. 2014. Inżynierowie ekstremalni. Wiedza i Życie 7: 42-47.
  3. Ślipiński P. 2013. Ostateczny superorganizm. Wiedza i Życie 1: 50-55.
  4. Ślipiński P. 2012. Mrówki z rolniczym zacięciem. National Geographic Polska 11: 20-23.
  5. Ślipiński P. 2011. Rajd po niewloników. Wiedza i Życie. 11: 32-34.
  6. Ślipiński P. 2011. Cukier za Ochronę. Wiedza i Życie. 7: 58-59.
  7. Ślipiński P. 2010. Przyroda. National Geographic Polska 6: 28.
  8. Ślipiński P. 2010. Przyroda. National Geographic Polska 10: 24–25.
  9. Ślipiński P. 2009. Przyroda. National Geographic Polska 4.
  10. Ślipiński P. 2006. Żółw Błotny. Poznajmy Las 4: 14-16.



Conference presentations

  1. Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M.: „Variation in workers velocity during interactions". 6th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology" CEWM 2915. Debrecen, Hungary, 24-27.07.2015.
  2. Ślipiński P., Żmihorski M.: „Differences in behaviour of a subordinate ant species during interactions with the aggressive dominant”. Workshop of social evolution. Heishiding, China, 29.06.-4.07.2014.
  3. Ślipiński P.: „Świat mrówek”. Centrum Edukacji Leśnej, Nadleśnictwo Celestynów, Poland, 20.04.2013.
  4. Ślipiński P. Balint M., Czechowski W., Włodarczyk T.: „Space use in Formica sanguinea – My territory my kingdom?”. 4th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia, 15-19.09.2011.
  5. Ślipiński P.: Presja urbanizacyjna a zbiorowiska mrówek (referat). XVII Sympozjum Sekcji Hymenopterologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Entomologicznego, Ojców, 10–11.05.2010.
  6. Ślipiński P.: Lasius neglectus – inwazyjny gatunek mrówki w Europie; rozmieszczenie, elementy biologii, cechy charakterystyczne (referat). Konferencja: XVI Sympozjum Sekcji Hymenopterologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Entomologicznego, Ojców, 11–12.05.2009.
  7. Ślipiński P.: Reverse engineering in biology –  not only a digital platform. Tematyka: Polish – German – Portuguese EU – Grant Application Project (FP 7, FP 8). Action Plan for a Joint EU Research Proposal. First Joint Cooperation Workshop “Biodiversity – Patterns, Processes, Conservation”. Warszawa, Polska, 9–13.11.2009.
  8. Bogdanowicz W., Ślipiński P.: Copernicus tomb mystery. Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig. Bonn, Niemcy, 10.12.2009.


  1. Ślipiński P., Czechowski W., Żmihorski M.Species diversity of ant assemblages in urban environment”. 4th Central European Workshop of Myrmecology, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia, 15-19.09.2011.



  1. Newsweek (1)
  2. Polska The Times  (2)
  3. Dziennik (1)


Research depatures

  1. Rumunia: Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj - Napoca, 21–30.07.2014. Research departure.
  2. Bulgaria: Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Sofia, 20–29.09.2013. Research departure.
  3. Romania: Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Biology, 15–27.09.2011. Research departure.
  4. Romania: Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Biology, 14–25.06.2010. Research departure.
  5. Romania: Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Biology, 1–7.09.2009. Research departure.
  6. Finland: Tvärminne Zoological Station – University of Helsinki, 08–22.06.2009. Research departure.
  7. Romania: Babes-Bolyai University Faculty of Biology, 7-20.07.2008. Research departure.


   Piotr Slipinski - Nature Photgraphy

Nature Macrophotography


Karolina Doan

e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +48(22) 629 32 21, wew. 156

Research interests:

ancient DNA, paleobiology, population genetics, phylogeography


  1. Doan K, Mackiewicz P, Sandoval-Castellanos E, Stefaniak K, Ridush B, Dalen L, Węgleński P, Stankovic A (2017) The history of Crimean red deer population and Cervus phylogeography in Eurasia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlx065
  1. Doan K, Zachos FE, Wilkens B, Vigne J-D, Piotrowska N, Stankovic A, Jędrzejewska B, Stefaniak B, Niedziałkowska M (2017) Phylogeography of the Tyrrhenian red deer (Cervus elaphus corsicanus) resolved using ancient DNA of radiocarbon-dated subfossils. Scientific Reports, 7, 2331
  1. Baca M, Doan K, Sobczyk M, Stankovic A, Węgleński P (2012). Ancient DNA reveals kinship burial patterns of a pre-Columbian Andean community. BMC Genetics 13:30 doi:10.1186/1471-2156-13-30
  1. Stankovic A, Doan K, Mackiewicz P, Ridush B, Baca M, Gromadka R, Socha P, Węgleński P, Nadachowski A, Stefaniak K (2011) First ancient DNA sequences of the Late Pleistocene red deer (Cervus elaphus) from the Crimea, Ukraine. Quaternary International, 245, 262-267


Research projects:

  • 2016 - present

Social and biological welfare of the children of Wroclaw in the period from Middle Ages till Early Modern time, genetic analysis services for Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, University of Wroclaw

  • 2014 - 2016

Genetic diversity and habitat selectivity of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Europe and Asia in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, project finance by the National Science Centre, Poland

  • 2011 - 2013

Phylogeography and phylogenetics of red deer (Cervus elaphus) based on ancient DNA analysis from pleistocene subfossils, project financed by Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education, Poland


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 Main Research Interest

  •  social parasitism in ants
  •  myrmecophily
  •  interactions between ants and fungi
  •  ant biodiversity
  •  division of labour in social insects
  •  development of personality in ants



Current projects

  • Susceptibility of ant colonies for social parasitism and the impact of social parasites on host colony fitness (NCN: UMO-2012/04/S/NZ8/00218). In this project I study the effect of social parasites on ant colony fitness and arm race between Myrmica host ants and their social parasites Maculinea butterflies. I also try to look which ant colony traits can make them more prone for social parasitism.
  • Influence of goldenrod invasion on Myrmica ant colony life history traits.
  • Relationship between Myrmica ants and their parasitic fungus Rickia wasmannii.
  • Studies on inquiline social parasite- Myrmica karavajevi.



Sielezniew M., Patricelli D., Rutkowski R., Witek M., Bonelli S., Buś M.M. 2015. Population genetics of the endangered obligatorily myrmecophilous butterfly Phengaris (= Maculinea) arion in two areas of its European range. Insect Conservation and Diversity doi: 10.1111/icad.12129.


Witek M,Barbero F., Marko B.(2014) Myrmica ants host highly diverse parasitic communities: from social parasites to microbes. Insectes Sociaux, 61: 307-323.


Kajzer-Bonk J., Nowicki P., Bonk M., Skórka P., Witek M., Woyciechowski M. (2013). Local populations of endangered Maculinea (Phengaris) butterflies are flood resistant. Journal of Insect Conservation 17: 1105-1112.


Bonelli S., Vrabec V., Witek M., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Nowicki P. (2013) Selection on dispersal in isolated butterfly metapopulations. Population Ecology 55: 469-478.


Lenda M., Witek M., Skórka P, Moroń D, Woyciechowski M. (2013) Invasive alien plants affect grassland ant communities, colony size and foraging behavior. Biological Invasions, 15: 2403-2414.


Skórka P., Nowicki P., Kudłek J., Pępkowska A., Śliwińska E.B., Witek M., Settele J., Woyciechowski M. (2013) Movements and flight morphology in the endangered Large Blue butterflies. Central European Journal of Biology, 8: 662-669.


Skórka P., Nowicki P., Lenda M., Witek M., Śliwińska E.B., Settele J., Woyciechowski M. (2013) Different flight behaviour of the endangered scarce large blue butterfly Phengaris teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) within and outside its habitat patches. Landscape Ecology, 28: 533-546.


Witek M., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Patricelli D., Sala M., Bossi S., Maffei M., Woyciechowski M., Baletto E., Bonelli S. (2013) Interspecific relationships in co-occurring populations of social parasites and their host ants. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 109: 699-709.


Patricelli D., Sielezniew M., Ponikwicka-Tyszko D., Ratkiewicz M., Bonelli S., Barbero F., Witek M., Bus M., Rutkowski R., Balletto E. (2013) Contrasting genetic structure of rear edge and continuous range populations of a parasitic butterfly infected by Wolbachia. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13, article number 14. 


Witek M., Babik H., Czechowski W., Czechowska W. 2013. Myrmica karavajevi (Arn.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Poland: a species not as rare as it is thought to be? Fragmenta Faunistica, 56: 17–24.


Barbero F., Patricelli D., Witek M., Balletto E., Casacci P.L., Sala M., Bonelli S. (2012) Myrmica ants and their butterfly parasites with special focus on the acoustic communication Psyche special issue -Ants and their parasites, 2012: 11pp.


de Assis R.A., Bonelli S., Witek M.,  Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Balletto E., Venturino E., Ferreira W.C. (2012) A model for the evolution of parasite-host interactions based on the Maculinea-Myrmica system: Numerical simulations and multiple host behavior. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 13: 1507-1524.


Witek M., Canterino S., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2012) Life cycle and growth pattern of the endangered myrmecophilous Microdon myrmicae (Diptera: Syrphidae). European Journal of Entomology, 109 (3): 457-461.


Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Cerrato C., Patricelli D., Vovlas A., Witek M., Balletto E. (2011) Butterfly diversity in a changing scenario. In: Changing diversity in changing environment, Eds. By Grill O, (Belgdar, INTECH Open Access Publisher), 99-132.


Particelli D., Barbero F., La Morgia V., Casacci L.P., Witek M., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011) To lay or not to lay: oviposition of Maculinea arion in relation to Myrmica ant presence and host plant phenology. Animal Behaviour, 82: 791-799.


Witek M., Skórka P., Śliwinska B.E., Nowicki P., Moroń D., Settele J., Woyciechowski M. (2011) Development of parasitc Maculinea teleius (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in laboratory nests of four Myrmica ant host species. Insectes Sociaux, 58: 403-411.


Bonelli S., Witek M., Canterino S., Sielezniew M., Stankiewicz-Fiedurek A., Tartally A., Balletto E., Schӧnrogge K. (2011) Distribution, host specificity and the potential for cryptic speciation in hoverfly Microdon myrmicae (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Myrmica ants. Ecological Entomology, 36: 135-143.


Witek M., Particelli D., Casacci L.P., Barbero F., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011) Notes on the biology and host ant specificity of the myrmecohhilous syrphis fly Microdon major (Diptera: Syrphidae), a social parasite of Formica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology, 57: 261-269.


Casacci L.P., Witek M., Barbero F, Patricelli D., Solazzo, G., Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2011) Habitat preferences of Maculinea arion and its Myrmica host ants: implications for habitat management in Italian Alps. Journal of Insect Conservation, 15 (1-2): 103-110.


Witek M., Nowicki P., Śliwinska B.E., Skórka P, Settele J, Schӧnrogge K, Woyciechowski M. (2010) Local host ant specificity of Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius butterfly, an obligatory social parasite of Myrmica ants. Ecological Entomology, 35: 557-564.



Patricelli D., Witek M., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Bonelli S., Balletto E. (2010) Evidence

of high larval host ant specificity in the first post adoption phase for the myrmecophilous

butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Sociobiology, 55

(3): 861-870.


Sielezniew, M., Patricelli D., Dziekańska I., Barbero F., Casacci L.P., Witek M.,

Balletto E., Bonelli S. (2010) The first record of M. lonae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a host of socially parasitic Blue butterfly Phengaris (Maculinea) arion. Sociobiology, 56(2): 465-475.


Witek M., Śliwińska E. B., Skórka P., Nowicki P., Wantuch M., Vrabec V., Settele J.,

Woyciechowski M. (2008). Host ant specificity of Large Blue butterflies Phengaris

(Maculinea) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) inhabiting humid grasslands of East-central

Europe. European Journal of Entomology, 105: 871 – 877.


Śliwińska E. B., Witek M., Skórka P., Osikowski A., Woyciechowski M. (2008). The

frequency of multiple paternity in Myrmica scabrinodis from southern Poland.

Entomological Science, 11, 127-129.


Moron D., Witek M., Woyciechowski M. (2008). Division of labour among workers

with different life expectancy in ant Myrmica scabrinodis. Animal Behaviour, 75, 345-



Nowicki P, Pępkowska A, Kudłek J, Skórka P, Witek M, Settele J, Woyciechowski, M.

(2007). From metapopulation theory to conservation recommendations: lessons from spatial occurrence and abundance patterns of Maculinea butterflies. Biological Conservation, 140 (2), 119-129.


Witek M., Śliwinska E., Skórka P., Nowicki P., Settele J., Woyciechowski M (2006)

Polymorphic growth in larvae of Maculinea butterflies, as an example of biennialism in

myrmecophilous insects. Oecologia, 148, 729-733


Skórka P., Witek M., Woyciechowski M (2006) A simple and nondestructive method

for estimation of worker population size in Myrmica ant nests. Insectes Sociaux, 53: 97-



Śliwinska, E.B., Nowicki, P., Nash, D.R., Witek, M., Settele, J &Woyciechowski, M (2006) Morphology of caterpillars and pupae of European Maculinea species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) with an identification table. Entomologica Fennica, 17: 351-358.


Nowicki P., Witek M., Skórka P., Woyciechowski M (2005) Oviposition patterns in

the myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon in relation to characteristic of foodplants

and presence of ant hosts. Polish Journal of Ecology, 53 (3): 409-417.


Nowicki P., Witek M., Skórka P., Woyciechowski M., Settele J (2005) Population

ecology of endangered butterflies Maculinea teleius and M. nausithous, and its

conservation implications. Population Ecology, 47 (3): 193-202. 


Dubiec A., Witek M., Cichoń M. (2005) Seasonal decline in leukocyte concentration

and reproductive output in female Great Tits. The Auk, 122 (3): 829-834.


research interests:

Taxonomy, zoogeography, faunology, ecology;

bats, bat flies, butterflies, birds;

Poland, western Palearctic


actual projects:

Bats of Albania

Spatio-temporal dynamics of Pipistrellus kuhlii sensu lato expansion in central Europe


recent papers and books:

Sachanowicz K., Stępień A., Ciechanowski M. 2014. Prevalence and phenology of white-nose syndrome fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans in bats from Poland. Central European Journal of Biology 9: 437–443.

Sachanowicz K. 2013. Separation possibilities and genital measurement variations in two cryptic species of European pierid butterflies, Leptidea juvernica Williams, 1946 and L. sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758). Zoology 116: 215–223.

Sachanowicz K., Wower A. 2013. Assemblage structure and use of anthropogenic roosts by bats in the Eastern Carpathians: Case study in the Bieszczady National Park (SE Poland). Italian Journal of Zoology 80: 139–148.

Sachanowicz K., Mleczek T., Gottfried T., Ignaczak M., Piksa K., Piskorski M. 2012. Winter records of Myotis alcathoe in southern Poland and comments on identification of the species during hibernation. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 55: 97–101.   

Krištofík J., Piksa K., Sachanowicz K. 2012. Two spinturnicid mites new to the fauna of Poland (Acari: Spinturnicidae). Polish Journal of Entomology 81: 101–106.

Sachanowicz K., Wower A. 2011. Poznajemy i chronimy nietoperze w miastach konurbacji śląsko-dąbrowskiej. Centrum Dziedzictwa Przyrody Górnego Śląska, Katowice, 32 s.

Sachanowicz K., Wower A., Buszko J. 2011. Past and present distribution of the cryptic species Leptidea sinapis and L. reali (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Poland and its implications for the conservation of these butterflies. European Journal of Entomology 108: 235–242. 

Bashta A.-T., Piskorski M., Mysłajek R. W., Tereba A., Kurek K., Sachanowicz K. 2011. Myotis alcathoe in Poland and Ukraine: New data on its status and habitat in Central Europe. Folia Zoologica 60: 1–4.

Sachanowicz K. 2010. Nietoperze Europy Centralnej i Bałkanów. Przewodnik fotograficzny [Bats of central Europe and the Balkans. A photographic guide]. Nyctalus, Wrocław, 128 pp.

Sanderson F. J., Kloch A., Sachanowicz K., Donald P. F. 2009. Predicting the effects of agricultural change on farmland bird populations in Poland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 129: 37–42.


Gema Trigos Peral (dr.)




Gema Trigos Peral (dr.)







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Main research interest

  • Urbanization
  • Forest ecology
  • Community ecology
  • Invasive species
  • Ant behaviour
  • Evolutionary traits in ants


2020 – Wymiana bilateralna pomiędzy Polską a Niemcami 2020: “Wpływ urbanizacji na fenologię mrówek” [The effect of urbanization on ant phenology]. Project nr - PPN/BDE/2020/1/00016, Research Grant for bilateral collaboration Poland-Germany funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Principal Investigator

2019 – MINIATURA 3: “Wpływ "miejskich wysp ciepła" na aktywność sezonową i dobową pospolitych gatunki mrowek” [Influence of "urban heat islands" on the seasonal and daily activity of common ant species]. Project nr - NCN 2019/03/X/NZ8/0177, Research Grant funded by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN). Principal Investigator

2015 – GWIAZDA 2015: “Personality in ants’ risk behaviour”. Internal research grant at the Museum and Institute of Zoology (PAS) for financing individual projects. Principal Investigator


  • Spain, University of Córdoba, Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology, PhD studies, 11.2009-10.2015
  • Bulgaria, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria (1 week in 2014)
  • Romania, Hungarian Department of Biology and Ecology, Cluj-Napoca; Babeq-Bolyai University, International project in the framework of cooperation between Polish and Romanian Academies of Sciences, (1 week in 2014, 2 weeks in 2015, one week in 2019, 1 week 2023 and 1 week 2024)
  • Seville, Estación Biológica de Doñana – CSIC, Department of Conservation Biology and GC (7 months from October 2020 till May 2021)
  • Germany, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, Regensburg University (1 week in 2021) 


  1. Trigos-Peral G., Witek M., Csata E., Chudzik P., Heinze J. 2024. Urban diet as potential cause of low body fat content in female ant sexuals. Myrmecological News 34: 181-190.
  1. Maák I., Trigos-Peral G., Rutkowski T., Czechowski W. 2024. Peculiar Polydomy in Wood Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): An Auxiliary Nest Seven Metres Underground. Annales Zoologici 74 (3): 511-524.
  1. Vidal-Cordero J.M., Trigos-Peral G. 2024. Primera cita de Nylanderia jaegerskioeldi (Mayr, 1904) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) para Sevilla (Andalucía, España) y actualización de su distribución en la península ibérica. Boletín de la Sociedad Andaluza de Entomología 34
  1. Castro-Cardoso M., Trigos-Peral G., Chiara V., Cordero-Rivera A., Sanmartín-Villar I. Adaptation to new resources: interaction between introduced psyllids and native and exotic ants in Eucalyptus plantations in NW Spain. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 18 (2): 287-297.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Maák I., Schmid S., Chodzik P., Czaczkes TJ., Witek M., Casacci LP., Sánchez-Garcia D., Lörincz A., Kochanowski M., Heinze J. 2024. Urban abiotic stressors drive changes in the foraging activity and colony growth of the black garden ant Lasius niger. 2024. Science of The Total Environment, 915: 170157.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Maák I., Ślipiński P., Witek M. 2023. Behavioral and morphological traits influencing variation in task performance of Camponotus vagus ants. Insectes Sociaux 70 (4): 451-461.
  1. Czechowski W., Trigos-Peral G., Savolainen R., Vepsäläinen K. 2023. Intricacies of the biology of Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (L.)(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici 73 (2), 235-244.
  1. Czechowski W., Trigos-Peral G., Savolainen R., Vepsäläinen K. 2022. Alate gynes of Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (L.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on foraging frails – A peculiar way of dispersal Annales Zoologici 72(2): 235-245.
  1. Maák I., Trigos-Peral G., Ślipiński P., Grześ I.M., Horváth G., Witek M. 2021. Habitat features and colony characteristics influencing ant personality and its fitness consequences. Behavioral Ecology 32 (1): 124–137.
  1. Maák I., Sondej I., Juhász O., Trigos-Peral G., Tenyér A., Camera J., Czechowski W. 2021. Unexpected distribution of subordinates around nests of the wood ants. Acta Oecologica 110: 103709.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Abril S., Angulo E. 2021. Behavioral responses to numerical differences when two invasive ants meet: the case of Lasius  neglectus and Linepithema humile. Biological Invasions 23: 935–953.
  1. Gorczak M., Trigos-Peral G. 2021. Solving a long-standing enigma: Myrmicinosporidium durum belongs to Blastocladiomycota, a phylum of primarily aquatic fungi. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 184: 107640.
  1. Ślipiński P., Trigos-Peral G., Maák I., Wojciechowska I., Witek M. 2021. The influence of age and development temperature on the temperature-related foraging risk of Formica cinerea ants. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75: 107.
  1. Maziarz M., Broughton R.K., Casacci L.P., Hebda G., Maák I., Trigos-Peral G., Witek M. 2021. Interspecific attraction between ground-nesting songbirds and ants: the role of nest-site selection. Frontiers in Zoology 18: 43. 
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Juhász O., Kiss P.J., Módra G., Tenyér A., Maák I. 2021. Wood ants as biological control of the forest pest beetles Ips spp. Scientific Reports 11: 17931. 
  1. Juhász O., Bátori Z., Trigos-Peral G., Lőrinczi G., Módra G., Bóni I., Kiss P.J., Aguilon D.J., Tenyér A., Maák I. 2020. Large- and small-scale environmental factors drive distributions of ant mound size across a latitudinal gradient. Insects 11: 350.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Rutkowski T., Witek M., Ślipiński P., Babik H., Czechowski W. 2020. Three categories of urban green areas and the effect of their different management on the communities of ants, spiders and harvestmen. Urban ecosystems 23: 803 – 818.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Gómez K., Reyes-López J. L. 2020. Contribution to the knowledge of the invasive species in Andalusia: First records of exotic ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Axarquía (Torre del Mar, Málaga, Spain). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 44 (1-2): 239–244.
  1. Trigos-Peral G. 2020. Estrategias reproductivas en hormigas: adaptarse o morir. Iberae 4: 40–43.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Witek M., Czechowski W. 2020. Mrówki w Warszawie. Prace i Studia Geograficzne 65.1: 73–82.
  1. Rutkowski T., Trigos-Peral G. 2020. Pająki i kosarze Pola Mokotowskiego w Warszawie – dane wstępne. Prace i Studia Geograficzne 65.1: 61–65.
  1. Maák I., Camera J., Casacci L. P., Barbero F., Trigos‐Peral G., Ślipiński P., Bonelli S., Zaccagno M., Witek M. 2019. The influence of colony traits on the collective behaviour of Myrmica scabrinodis ants. Insect Conservation and Diversity 12: 481–491.
  1. Czechowski W., Trigos-Peral G., Maák I., Vepsäläinen K. 2019. Alate gyne of the ant Dolichoderus quadripunctatus (L.)(Hymenoptera, Formicidae) follows foraging trail to aphids. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 71: 241–248.
  1. Rutkowski T., Maák I., Vepsäläinen K., Trigos-Peral G., Stephan W., Wojtaszyn G., Czechowski W. 2019. Ants trapped for years in an old bunker; survival by cannibalism and eventual escape. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 72: 177–184.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Casacci L. P., Ślipiński P., Grześ I. M., Moroń D., Babik H., Witek M. 2018. Ant communities and Solidago plant invasion: Environmental properties and food sources. Entomological Science 21 (3): 270-278.
  1. Grześ I. M., Ślipiński P., Babik H., Moroń D.,  Walter B., Trigos-Peral G., Witek M. 2018. Colony size and brood investment of Myrmica rubra ant colonies in habitats invaded by goldenrods. Insectes Sociaux 65, 275–280.
  1. Trigos-Peral G. 2018. Conociendo a una de las joyas de la mirmecología: Las hormigas tejedoras del género Oecophylla Smith 1860. La marabunta digital 1: 11–13.
  1. Trigos Peral G., Rutkowski T., Wojtaszyn G.., Espadaler S. 2017. Myrmicinosporidium durum in Poland: a new location for this fungal ant endoparasite and updated world distribution. Acta Parasitologica 62: 875–879.
  1. Sánchez-García D., Cuesta-Segura A. D., Aleix Herraiz J., Trigos Peral G., García García F., Catarineu C., Arcos González J., Fernández Martínez J. A. 2017. Listado actualizado de las hormigas de la península ibérica e islas baleares (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Iberomyrmex 9: 74.
  1. Trigos-Peral, G., Marko, B., Babik, H., TǍuşan, I., Maák, I., Pálfi, Z., Ślipiński, P., Czekes, Z., & Czechowski, W. (2016). Differential impact of two dominant Formica ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) on subordinates in temperate Europe. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 50: 97-116.
  1. Trigos-Peral G., Reyes-López J.L. 2013. Primera relación de los formícidos (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) de la Reserva natural Lagunas de Campillos (Málaga). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 37 (3-4): 217-224.



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Kopalny DNA, genetyka populacyjna człowieka, archeogenetyka, antropologia



2011-2014 studia doktoranckie i stopień naukowy doktora – School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney

2007-2009 studia magisterskie i dyplom magistra – Instytut Genetyki i Biotechnologii, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski

2004-2007 studia licencjackie i dyplom licencjata – Instytut Genetyki i Biotechnologii, Wydział Biologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski


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Assistant Professor

Ph.D. 2014, Systematic Entomology

Museum and Institute of Zoology 

Polish Academy of Sciences 

Wilcza 64, 00-679, Warsaw, Poland

Member of the Board 

Natura optima duxFoundation 

Wilcza 64, 00-679 Warsaw, Poland


Annales Zoologici(http://annales.miiz.waw.pl)

Since Vol. 61 No. 1 (2011) 

Contact Information 

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Phone number: 22 629 32 21 

Web pages:http://kaminski.miiz.waw.pl 



My research interests include the systematics and biogeography of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) – a diverse insect family, estimated to include over 20 000 species worldwide. My previous studies has focused on phylogenetics of Afrotropical Platynotina, especially the Ectateus generic group. Presently I have started a project entitled: “The origin of the amphitropic African disjunction: a case study based on wingless darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Melambiina)”. The main aim of this study is to use the information concerning the evolutionary history of the beetles representing subtribe Melambiina to investigate the factors responsible for creating the remarkable amphitropic African disjunctions in ranges of many groups of plants and animals. On the more methodological side, I am interested in incorporating the microCT methods to phylogenetic studies.

Current research projects:

  • The origin of the amphitropic African disjunction: a case study based on wingless darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Melambiina)
  • Phylogeny and biogeography of the trans-Pacific darkling beetle genus Archaeoglenes Broun, 1893 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
  • Evolution and zoogeography of Ectateus generic group (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina).
  • Elytral cavities of tenebrionid beetles - convergence or divergence? MicroCT analysis of the elytral structure (circulatory and tracheal systems).


5. MiIZ research grant for PhD students (2014): The usefulness of female terminalia morphology in reconstructing the phylogeny of Opatrini (Spain).

4. Synthesys project (2014): Project: “Phylogeny, biogeography and classification of the Mediterranean genus Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Melambiina)”. ES-TAF-3891 (Spain).

3. MiIZ traveling grant for PhD students (2013): Third Tenebrionoidea Symposium held at Arizona State University during August 2013 (USA).

2. Synthesys project (2013): Phylogeny and historical biogeography of the subtribe Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). BE-TAF-3122 (Belgium).

1. MiIZ research grant for PhD students (2011): E-catalogue of the subtribe Melambiina. (http://muzeum.miiz.waw.pl/melambiina/).

Summer schools and other courses:

  • Museum Management (2014). Warsaw, Poland.
  • Open access - chance or necessity? Course for scientific journals editors (2013). Warsaw, Poland.
  • Science Journal Editing Guidelines (2013). Warsaw, Poland.
  • EDIT Summer School (2010): Modern Taxonomy and Fieldwork. Madeira, Portugal.
  • Course of writing scientific papers (2010). Białowieża, Poland.
  • EDIT Biological Nomenclature (2010). Paris, France.

Professional Affiliations:

  • The Coleopterists Society (since 2013).

Academic Service:

  • Manuscript Reviewer (2013 - present) – Zookeys, Zootaxa, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, Biodiversity Data Journal
  • Editor for “Coleoptera Poloniae: Tenebrionoidea (Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Ripiphoridae, Prostomidae, Oedemeridae, Mycteridae, Pythidae, Aderidae, Scraptiidae). Critical checklist, distribution in Poland and meta-analysis” monograph by D. Kubisz, D. Iwan i P. Tykarski.


3. Kamiński, MJ. 2014. Synthesys seminar: Phylogenetic reassessment of the Ectateus generic group (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Madrid, Spain.

2. Kamiński, MJ. 2013. Phylogeny, biogeography and generic classification of the Ectateus generic group (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Third Tenebrionoidea Symposium held at Arizona State University.

1. Kamiński, MJ. 2013. Synthesys seminar: Aedeagal Tegmen - A key to the Melambiina phylogeny? Bruxelles, Belgium.



16. Kamiński, MJ. A cladistically based reinterpretation of the taxonomy of two Afrotropical tenebrionid genera Ectateus Koch, 1956 and Selinus Mulsant et Rey, 1853 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Zookeys, 415: 81–132.

15. Iwan, D et Kamiński, MJ. 2013. Taxonomy of the genus Schelodontes Koch, 1956 with a key to species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 45: 159–179.

14. Kamiński, MJ. & Iwan, D. 2013. Catalogue, geographic distribution and ecological niche models of the Afrotropical platynotoid Platynotina (Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Annales Zoologici 63(4): 653–733.

13. Kamiński, MJ. 2013. A new genus and species of the Afrotropical Platynotina from Tanzania (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae: 53(2): 703714.

12. Kamiński, MJ. 2013. Taxonomy and distribution of the Afrotropical genus Anchophthalmops Koch, 1956 with a key to species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Zootaxa: 3709: 501523.

11. Raś, M. & Kamiński, MJ. 2013. X-ray microtomography as a tool for taxonomic investigations: prothoracic skeletal structure in some Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera). Annales Zoologici 63(2): 381391.

10. Kamiński, MJ. & Iwan, D. 2013. Taxonomy of the genus Kochogaster Kamiński et Raś, 2011 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini), with description of a second known species. Zootaxa: 3669: 2736.

9. Kamiński, MJ. 2013. Two new species of the Afrotropical genus Quadrideres Koch, 1956 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini), with notes on the interioris species-group. Annales Zoologici 63(1): 8594.

8. Kamiński, MJ. 2012. Taxonomy of the Afrotropical genera Angolositus Koch, 1955 and Pseudoselinus Iwan, 2002 with a key to species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Zootaxa 3500: 4960.

7. Iwan, D., Kamiński, MJ. 2012. Revision of the Malagasy genus Lechius Iwan, 1995 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Zootaxa 3399: 2334.

6. Kamiński, MJ. & Ras, M. 2012. Catalogue, geographic distribution and ecological niche modelsof the melanocratoid Platynotina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini). Annales Zoologici 62(2): 227243.

5. Iwan, D., Kamiński, MJ. & Aalbu R. 2012. A new species of the genus Clastopus Fairmaire, 1898 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini) from Madagascar. Zootaxa 3351: 6068.

4. Kamiński, MJ. & Ras, M. 2011. New status of the genus Ectateus Koch, 1956 with taxonomic notes on the Ectateus generic group (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Annales Zoologici 61(4):647655.

3. Kamiński, MJ. 2011. A new species of Atrocrates Koch, 1956 from South Africa (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Annales Zoologici 61(4):641645.

2. Kamiński, M. 2011. Catalogue of the World Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Pedinini). Annales Zoologici 61(2): 281333.

1. Iwan, D., Kamiński, MJ. & Aalbu, R. 2011. A new genus Microphylacinus and revision of the closely related Phylacinus Fairmaire, 1896 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini) from Madagascar. Zootaxa: 2913: 115.



1. Kamiński, MJ. Phylogenetic reassessment and biogeography of the Ectateus generic group (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Platynotina). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Submitted manuscripts:

1. Raś, M., Iwan D., & Kamiński, MJ. The Last Breath: A µCT-based method for investigating the tracheal system in Hexapoda. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.

2. Kamiński, MJ., Byk, A. & Tykarski, P. Seasonal and diel activity of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) attracted to European bison dung in Białowieża Primeval Forest. The Coleopterists Bulletin.
