Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński


Main scientific interests:

  • population genetics
  • philogeography of root voles
  • evolutionary and behavioral ecology
  • kin structure in natural populations
  • mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance


Scientific degrees

  • MSc diploma: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Field of the studybiology, 2005.
  • PhD - Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, October 2010.

Doctoral dissertation entitled “Relatedness, space use strategies and density changes in the population of the root vole Microtus oeconomus”.


Research projects:

  • Grant of Museum and Institute of ZoologyPreliminary evaluation of genetic diversity o common toad (Bufobufo) townpopulation.(31.05.2011-15.02.2012) .MIZ PAS Warsaw. Grant of MIZ PAS. Grant manager and performer.
  • Grant of Museum and Institute of Zoology The estimation of mtDNA markers polymorphism in a local population of root voles. (06.05.2011-15.02.2012). MIZ PAS Warsaw. Grant of MIZ PAS. Grant manager and performer.
  • Project number N304346339,Root voles of known lineagegenetic component and other sources of phenotypic diversity estimated with use ofanimal model(20102013). MIZ PAS Warsaw. Grant performer.
  • Project number 2P04F03930Influence of genetic and enviromental factors on life history traits and relatedness among individuals in local population of root voles Microtus oeconomus(finished in 2010). MIZ PAS Warsaw. Grant performer.


Selected publications:

  • Dąbrowski, M. J., Bornelöv, S., Kruczyk, M., Baltzer, N., & Komorowski, J. (2015). ‘True’null allele detection in microsatellite loci: a comparison of methods, assessment of difficulties and survey of possible improvements.Molecular ecology resources, 15(3), 477-488. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12326.
  • Pilot M, Dąbrowski MJ, Hayrapetyan V, Yavruyan EG, Kopaliani N, et al. (2014) Genetic Variability of the Grey Wolf Canis lupusin the Caucasus in Comparison with Europe and the Middle East: Distinct or Intermediary Population? PLoS ONE 9(4): e93828. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093828 http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0093828
  • Dąbrowski, M. J., Pilot, M., Kruczyk, M., Żmihorski, M., Umer, H. M., & Gliwicz, J. (2014). Reliability assessment of null allele detection: inconsistencies between and within different methods. Molecular Ecology Resources, 14(2), 361-373. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12177 
  • Moura A.E., Tsingarska E., Dąbrowski M.J., Czarnomska S.D., Jędrzejewska B., Pilot M. 2014 Unregulated hunting and genetic recovery from a severe population decline: the cautionary case of Bulgarian wolves. Conservation Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s10592-013-0547-y The paper can be downloaded from the Conservation Genetics website: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10592-013-0547-y
  • Dąbrowski M.J., Pomorski J.J., Gliwicz J. 2013. Cytochrome b gene (cytb) sequence diversity in a Microtus oeconomus population from Bialowieza Primeval Forest. Acta Theriologica 58:119-126; DOI: 10.1007/s13364-012-0096-7.
  • Pilot M., Dąbrowski M.J., Jancewicz E., Schtickzelle N. and Gliwicz J. 2010. Temporally stable genetic variability and dynamic kinship structure in a fluctuating population of the root vole Microtus oeconomus. Molecular Ecology 19:2800-2812.
  • Gliwicz J.,Dąbrowski M.J. 2008. Ecological factors affecting the dial activity of voles in a multi-species community. Annales Zool. Fennici 45:242-247.
  • Dąbrowski M. J. and Strużyński W. 2006. The diversity of amphibian species in water bodies of Kozienice Forest. Fragmenta Faunistica 49 (2): 153-163.
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