Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński


Image Acta Chiropterologica the only journal fully devoted to bats indexed by Thomson Scientific. Published twice a year.
Acta Ornithologica - publishes scientific papers (original research reports, reviews, short notes, etc.) and announcements from all fields of ornithology. It is open for authors from all countries. The language of papers is English (with Polish summaries). All manuscripts are peer-reviewed.
Image Annales Zoologici - it is an international quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of systematic zoology (in broad sense).
Image Fragmenta Faunistica - the journal is issued semi-annually and publishes the papers devoted to knowing fauna, its differentiation, distribution and transformation. These are the results of original studies, review articles and syntheses dealing with faunology and related sciences as zoogeography or zoocenology.
  Polish Journal of Ecology - (formerly Ekologia polska) publishes original scientific research papers dealing with all aspects of ecology: both fundamental and applied, physiological ecology, ecology of population, community, ecosystem, landscape as well as global ecology. There is no bias regards taxon, environment or geographical area.

Other Publications

Z ptakami przez życie

Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata

Fauna Polski vol. 4 kręgowce - Charakterystyka i wykaz gatunków Tom IV Kręgowce

Pajęczy Świat
Image Fauna Mundi vol.1 - Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Japan
Image Fauna Mundi vol. 2 - Rhyzobius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) a revision of the world species

Fauna Mundi vol. 3 - Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) of the Old World 

Image Fauna Mundi - vol. 4 - Ptyctimous mites (Acari: Oribatida) of the Palaearctic Region
Fauna Mundi - vol. 5 - Ptyctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the Palaearctic Region

Coleoptera Poloniae: Tenebrionoidea (Tenebrionidae, Boridae)

Coleoptera Poloniae: Tenebrionoidea (Tetratomidae, Melandryidae)

Image Assemblages of soil Collembola in wetlands in the floodplains of some Polish rivers - The effect of disturbance regime on Collembola assemblages in river floodplains is for the first time quantifed. The diversity pattern, resilience and predicted classification of Collembola assemblages in river floodplains are discussed.
Image "Jedno istnieje tylko zwierzę" - Adam Urbanek
Image Fauna Polski - Charakterystyka i wykaz gatunków - opracowanie monograficzne, którego celem było zgromadzenie kompleksowej informacji o różnorodności gatunkowej naszej fauny, jej walorach oraz stopniu zbadania poszczególnych taksonów. Opracowanie zawiera zestawienie wszystkich współczesnych gatunków zwierząt stwierdzonych w Polsce (zazwyczaj jednak z wyłączeniem fauny Bałtyku) oraz charakterystykę taksonów wyższej rangi, poczynając od typu na rodzinie kończąc.
Image Fauna Polski (Fauna Poloniae) - this series provides synthetic review of particular animal families occurring in Poland
Image Fauna Polski - Nowa seria - vol.1 - Trombidiidae of Poland
Image Fauna Polski - Nowa seria - vol. 2 - Middle and late Pleistocene
Image Fauna Polski - Nowa seria - vol. 3 - Ptyctimous mites of Poland

Fauna Polski - Nowa seria - vol. 4 - The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe

Fauna Polski - Nowa seria - vol. 5 The structure and distribution of parasite assemblages of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) along the Odra River against the background of environmental factors

Image Memorabilia Zoologica
Image Zastosowanie metod molekularnych w badaniach ekologicznych
Image The Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Poland
Image Katalog Fauny Polski
Image Catalogus Faunae Poloniae - New series - vol. 1 - Eriophyoid mites of Poland
Image Catalogus Faunae Poloniae - New series - vol. 2 - Plant bugs of Poland
Catalogus Faunae Poloniae - New series - vol. 3  Plant bugs of Poland. Part II. Subfamily Mirinae
Image Nematodes of Tylenchina in Poland and temperate Europe
Image Chrysomelidae. The leaf-beetles of Europe and the Mediterranean area
Image The Palaearctic Chrysomelidae. Identification keys


Image DVD - Monograph of the Salticidae (Araneae) of the World

List of publications


Oferty Pracy

