Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

Research Interests
Behavioral ecology; ecology and conservation of large carnivores; applications of molecular methods in wildlife studies; biological invasions.


1. Does an epigenetic mechanism escalate the co-evolutionary arms race in avian host-parasite systems? NCN 2012/05/E/NZ8/02694
Jörn Theuerkauf (MIZ), Nozomu Sato, Keita Tanaka, Yuji Okahisa, Keisuke Ueda (Rikkyo University)
Ralph Kühn (Technische Universität München), Roman Gula

2. Cooperation and competition in a top predator family unit: spatio-temporal interactions among wolves. NCN 2011/01/B/NZ8/04233
Henryk Okarma (IOP PAN), Roman Gula
Katarzyna Bojarska (Jagiellonian University), Jörn Theuerkauf (MIZ)

3. Group territory defence as a form of cooperative breeding in the flightless Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus, an endemic bird of New Caledonia. NCN 2011/01/M/NZ8/03344
Roman Gula, Jörn Theuerkauf (MIZ), Ralph Kühn (Technische Universität, München)
Christian Rutz (University of Oxford)

4. Recovery of wolves in the Holy Cross Forest, Poland. 
Artur Milanowski, Roman Gula
Wolves return to Poland's Holy Cross Primeval Forest, International Wolf Magazine,
SAVE - Wildlife Conservation Fund

5. Spatio-temporal dynamics of black rat invasion on Futuna Island, Pacific. NCN N304107240
Wiesław Bogdanowicz (MIZ), Jörn Theuerkauf (MiIZ), Roman Gula

6. Impact of invasive mammals on endemic birds of New Caledonia. MNSW 2P04F 001 29
CORE.NC, Conservation des Espèces et Populations Animales, Loro Parque Fundación
Jörn Theuerkauf (MIZ), Roman Gula

7. Ecology of wolves in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. KBN 6P04F 006 17
Roman Gula, Ralph Kühn, Roland Hausknecht (Technische Universität, München)
Julia Eggermann (Ruhr Universität, Bohum)


K. Bojarska, M. Kwiatkowska, P. Skórka, R. Gula, J. Theuerkauf & H. Okarma 2017. Anthropogenic traps: where do wolves kill their prey in a commercial forest? Forest Ecology and Management, in press.

J. Theuerkauf, V. Chartendrault, F. Desmoulins, N. Barre & R. Gula 2017. Positive range size-abundance relationships in Indo-Pacific bird communities. Journal of Biogeography DOI:10.1111/jbi.13021.

J. Theuerkauf, T. Haneda M. Okahisa, N.J. Sato, S. Rouys, H. Bloc, K. Ueda, I. Watanabe, R. Kuehn & R. Gula 2017. Elevated concentrations of naturally occurring heavy metals inversely correlate with reproductive output and body mass of the Kagu Rhynochetos jubatus. Ibis DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12474

Merta, D., J. Kobielski, J. Theuerkauf  & R. Gula. 2016.  Towards a successful reintroduction of Capercaillies – activity, movements and diet of young released to the Lower Silesia Forest, Poland. Wildlife Biology, 22:130-135.

Okahisa, Y., A. Legault, B. Angin, V. Chartendrault, N. Barré, Ch. Franceschi, T. Duval, F. Tron, R. Gula & J. Theuerkauf 2016. Playback and habitat modelling to estimate the distribution and population size of the critically endangered New Caledonian Crow Honeyeater (Gymnomyza aubryana). Emu-Austral Ornithology 116, 41–47. DOI: 10.1071/MU15036.

Sato, N.J., K. D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, M. Yamamichi, R. Kuehn, R. Gula, K. Ueda & J. Theuerkauf 2015. Nestling polymorphism in a cuckoo-host system. Current Biology 25, R1164-R1165. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.028.

Gazda, M.A.,  R. Kuehn, N. J. Sato, K. D. Tanaka, Y. Okahisa, K. Ueda, R. Gula & J. Theuerkauf 2015. Establishment of microsatellite markers to assess the mating system of the fan-tailed gerygone (Gerygone flavolateralis) for study the cuckoo-host arms race. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 52: 280–284 .

Merta, D., J. Kobielski, A. Krzywiński, J. Theuerkauf  & R. Gula. 2015. A new mother-assisted rearing and release technique ("born to be free") reduces the exploratory movements and increases survival of young Capercaillies.  European Journal of Wildlife Research 61: 299–302. DOI: 10.1007/s10344-015-0899-3.

Theuerkauf, J.,  R. Kuehn, R. Gula, A. Sztencel-Jabłonka, H. Jourdan, A. Taugamoa, D. Labrousse, W. Bogdanowicz 2015. Invasion history affects genetic structure in island rat populations. Journal of Zoology 295: 197–205. DOI:10.1111/jzo.12206.

Theuerkauf, J., T. Haneda, N. J. Sato, K. Ueda, R. Kuehn, R. Gula & I. Watanabe 2015. Naturally high heavy metal concentrations in feathers of the flightless endemic Kagu of New Caledonia. Ibis 157: 177–180. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12214

Frąckowiak W., B. Pirga, J. Theuerkauf & R. Gula 2014. Brown bear habitat selection in relation to anthropogenic structures in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. Biologia 69/7: 926—930. DOI: 10.2478/s11756-014-0386-4

Legault, A., J. Theuerkauf, V. Chartendrault, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, F. Desmoulins, N. Barré & R. Gula 2013. Using ecological niche models to infer the distribution and population size of parakeets in New Caledonia. Biological Conservation, 167: 149–160

Gula, R. & J. Theuerkauf 2013. The need for standardization in wildlife science - home range estimators as an example. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59:713–718.

Theuerkauf, J.,  J. Perez, A. Taugamoa, I. Niutoua, D. Labrousse, R. Gula, W. Bogdanowicz, H. Jourdan  & C. Goarant 2013. Leptospirosis risk increases with changes in species composition of rat populations. Naturwissenschaften, 100:385388.

Eggermann J., J. Theuerkauf, B. Pirga, A. Milanowski & R. Gula 2013. Stress hormone levels of wolves in relation to breeding season, pack size, human activity, and prey density.
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 50: 170–175.

Legault,  A.,  J. Theuerkauf, E. Baby, L. Moutin, S. Rouys, M. Saoumoé, L. Verfaille, N. Barré, V. Chartendrault, & R. Gula 2013. Standardising distance sampling surveys of parrots in New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology, 154:19–33.

Stoeckle, B.C., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, R. Gula, A. Lorenzo, Ch. Lambert, T. Kaeser & R. Kuehn 2012. Identification of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the endangered Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of Ornithology, 153:249–253.

Okarma, H., R. Gula & P. Brewczyński 2011. Krajowa strategia ochrony wilka Canis lupus warunkująca trwałość populacji gatunku w Polsce. (National strategy for wolf protection). Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warszawa 2011.

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, H. Jourdan & R. Gula 2011. Efficacy of a new reverse-bait trigger rat snap trap and a new abundance index. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 8:308-318.

Theuerkauf, J. & R. Gula 2011. Publication costs and a moderate impact factor deter potential authors of the Journal of Wildlife Management. Journal of Wildlife Management, 75: 263.

Theuerkauf, J. & R. Gula. 2010. Towards standardization of population estimates: defecation rates of elephants should be assessed using a rainfall model. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47: 398–402.

Gula, R., J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys & A. Legault 2010. An audio/video surveillance system for wildlife. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 56: 803–807.

Hausknecht, R., H. Bayerl, R. Gula & R. Kuehn 2010. Application of quantitative real-time PCR to facilitate non-invasive genetic monitoring of animal populations. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74:1904–1910.

Theuerkauf, J., H. Jourdan, S. Rouys, R. Gula, M. Gajewska, K. Unrug & R. Kuehn 2010. Inventory of alien birds and mammals in the Wallis & Futuna Archipelago. Biological Invasions,151: 695-701.[article request]

Hausknecht, R., A. Szabó, G. Firmanszky, R. Gula & R. Kuehn 2010. Confirmation of wolf residence in Northern Hungary by field and genetic monitoring. Mammalian Biology, 75: 348–352. [article request]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J-M. Mériot, R. Gula & R. Kuehn 2009. Cooperative breeding, mate guarding, and nest sharing in two parrot species of New Caledonia. Journal of Ornithology 150: 791-197 .[article request]

Theuerkauf, J., S. Rouys, J-M. Mériot & R. Gula 2009. Group territoriality as a form of cooperative breeding in the flightless Kagu of New Caledonia. Auk 126: 371-375. [article request]

Gula, R., R Hausknecht & R. Kuehn 2009. Evidence of wolf dispersal in anthropogenic habitats of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Biodiversity & Conservation 18: 2173–2184. [article request]

Eggermann, J., R. Gula, B. Pirga, J.Theuerkauf, H. Tsunoda, B. Brzezowska, S. Rouys & S. Radler 2009. Daily and seasonal variation in wolf activity in the Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland. Mammalian Biology 74: 159-163 [article request]

Tsunoda, H., R. Gula, J. Theuerkauf, S. Rouys, S. Radler, B. Pirga, J. Eggermann & B. Brzezowska 2009. How does parental role influence the activity and movements of breeding wolves? Journal of Ethology 27: 185-189. [article request]

Gula, R. 2008. Wolf depredation on domestic animals in the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management, 72: 283-289. [article request]

Gula, R. 2008. Legal protection of wolves in Poland: implications for the status of the wolf population. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54: 163-170. [article request]

Theuerkauf, J., R. Gula, B. Pirga, H. Tsunoda, J. Eggermann, B. Brzezowska, S. Rouys & S. Radler 2007. Human impact on wolf activity in the Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 44: 225-231. [pdf]

Hausknecht, R., R. Gula, B. Pirga & R. Kühn 2007. Urine - a source for noninvasive genetic monitoring in wildlife. Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 208-212. [abstract] [article request]

Gula, R. 2004 Influence of snow cover on wolf predation patterns in Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. Wildlife Biology 10: 17-23. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., W. Jêdrzejewski, K. Schmidt, H. Okarma, I. Ruczyñski, S. ¦nie¿ko & R. Gula. 2003. Daily patterns and duration of wolf activity in the Bia³owie¿a Forest, Poland. Journal of Mammalogy 84: 243-253. [pdf]

Theuerkauf, J., W. Jêdrzejewski, K. Schmidt & R. Gula. 2003. Spatiotemporal segregation of wolves from humans in the Bia³owie¿a Forest (Poland). Journal of Wildlife Management 67: 706-716. [pdf]

Gula, R., W. Fr±ckowiak & K. Perzanowski. 1998. Current status and conservation needs of brown bears in the Polish Carpathians. Ursus 10: 81-86. [abstract] [article request]

Fr±ckowiak, W. & R. Gula 1992. The autumn and the spring diet of the brown bear Ursus arctos in the Bieszczady Mountains. Acta Theriologica 37: 339-344. [abstract] [article request]